Cholesterol, Featured, Health Care, Home Remedies

13 Simple And Effective Home Remedies For Cholesterol

[toc]With age, the risk of contracting several health related ailments increases. And one particular condition that tends to create havoc on the body is high cholesterol that can hurt you where it hurts most, the heart! High cholesterol levels are usually linked to strokes, heart disease and other heart related ailments.13 Simple And Effective Home Remedies For Cholesterol

And without proper treatment and follow up care, the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke due to cholesterol can increase manifold.

Home Remedies To Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol can be treated effectively with medications. There are, however, certain home remedies that can treat the condition as well. And some of the more common of those remedies include:

Lady’s Finger

You may not like the gooey texture of the vegetable, but it is this exact substance that helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol significantly. Slit open a handful of lady’s fingers and soak them in a cup of water overnight.

Munch down on the lady’s fingers the next morning. And finish it off by drinking the water. Do this every morning in order to keep your cholesterol levels normal.

Lady’s Finger

Orange Juice

Oranges contain substances called sterols that aid in reducing both the LDL cholesterol levels and the total cholesterol levels in the body. These sterols would also increase the HDL cholesterol levels in the body significantly.

So make it a point to drink at least 3 glasses of orange juice every day to keep your cholesterol levels in check. You may want to opt for natural orange juice rather than one laced with artificial sweeteners and additives.

Orange Juice


Grapefruits contain a soluble fiber called pectin that would prove to be instrumental in reducing the cholesterol levels in the body.

You can also opt for other fruits like berries and apples that contain pectin, although grapefruits have larger quantities of these substances. Just eat a grapefruit on alternate days to keep your cholesterol levels low.


Coriander Seeds

These seeds have known to be effective in reducing the cholesterol levels in the body, and maintain them that way! Having some coriander seeds every day can therefore, help you manage your cholesterol levels effectively. Take some dried coriander seeds and grind them to form a coarse powder.

Add a tbsp. of this powder to water (1 glass) and stir nicely until the powder dissolves. Drink this concoction every night before going to bed for effective results.

Coriander Seeds

Red Wine

Although individuals with high cholesterol are asked to refrain from drinking alcohol, they can opt to drink a glass of red wine every day (preferably in the evening) to increase the HDL cholesterol levels in the body.

The reason for this is attributed to the fact that red wine contains saponins, plant compounds that can reduce your cholesterol levels greatly. You can also opt for other varieties of wine and beer (in case you don’t get red wine) for the same purpose.

Red Wine


Garlic contains antibiotic properties that can treat/prevent conditions that could lead to an increase in the cholesterol levels in the body. So make sure you add plenty of garlic to the foods that you cook every day. You can also attempt to chew on a few cloves of raw garlic if you (and others around you) are able to put up with the smell.


Curry Leaves

Curry leaves contain high amounts of fiber that can aid in quick digestion, thereby keeping the cholesterol levels low. The leaves are also contain antioxidant properties that can flush out waste materials and harmful toxins from the body. This in turn would reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. So try adding more curry leaves to the dishes you cook.

You can also grind dried curry leaves to form a coarse powder. Mix a tablespoon of this powder in a cup of water and drink the concoction at least twice every day to keep your cholesterol levels low.

Curry Leaves


Cinnamon is known to be an effective cure for cholesterol and blood sugar. All you need to do is steep some cinnamon sticks in a pot of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Strain the resultant mixture and drink it at least twice a day for desirable results.

You can also add a pinch of cinnamon powder to your tea or coffee (mix it with the respective powders) before brewing them. Doing so would ensure that your cholesterol levels remain low, and you remain tension free.



Substituting honey in place of sugar in your pastries, jams and drinks can go a long way in keeping your cholesterol levels under control. Using honey instead of sugar in drinks can aid in reducing both LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels in the body, and increase the HDL cholesterol levels in the process.

It can also reduce the homocysteine levels in the body, thereby cutting down the risk of strokes and heart diseases which are triggered by increased levels of this amino acid in the body.


Apple Peels

Apple peels contain high amounts of antioxidants that reduce the rate at which the LDL cholesterol is oxidized in the body, thereby preventing the build-up of plague on the arteries.

Organic apples would do best for this remedy. And make you wash the fruit thoroughly before peeling it. Eat the peels once every day to keep your cholesterol levels low.

Apple Peels

Seeds and Nuts

Munching down on some seeds and nuts every day can be beneficial for you in more than one way. For starters, it would prevent you from snacking on other, unhealthy junk foods. Next, it would help reduce the cholesterol levels in the body to a great extent.

Seeds and nuts contain lots of plant sterols that can be very effective in reducing the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. Opt for different varieties like almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds etc.

Seeds and Nuts


Having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast can be one of the greatest gifts you can give your body every day. Oatmeal contains plenty of beta glucan, a soluble fiber that is instrumental in reducing the LDL cholesterol levels as well as increasing the HDL cholesterol levels in the body.

Do not opt for instant oats as they would not be effective enough. Try to opt for the old fashioned ones, or those that cook quickly (not instantly mind you).


Red Rice

Try opting for a bowl of red rice once in a while. Red rice is a rich source of yeast extract which contains substances called statins that are very helpful in reducing the total cholesterol levels in the body.

A bowl of red rice every other day would definitely put you on the right track to lowering/maintaining your cholesterol levels.


Red Rice

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