Cysts, Featured, Health Care

The 6 Most Common Types Of Cysts

[toc]Cysts are sac like formation that contains gas, fluids or some other substances which may be solid or semi-solid. They can be located both internally or externally and can form anywhere in the body. The surface of the skin, breasts, ovaries, kidneys, pancreas and liver are some of the common areas where cysts usually forms.


In most of the cases, these cysts are non-cancerous or benign, although they can be malignant in some cases. Obstacle in the flow of fluids, faulty genes, hormonal disorders, tumors and infections are some of the most common causes of cysts. There are more than hundred types of cysts. Let us discuss some of the most common types of cysts about which all of us need to be aware of.

6 Most Common Types Of Cysts

Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion cysts are very commonly formed on the wrists and hands, especially on the areas that are close to the joints or tendons. Joint or tendon irritation often causes ganglion cysts. They are more common in women as compared to men. These cysts are benign in nature, with no chance of spreading further into other areas. They are apparently transparent, with clear watery substances present in them.

Ganglion Cyst

Breast Cyst

The cysts that appears on the breasts should not be ignored at any cost as they may be malignant in nature. However, in most of the cases, they are benign and caused due to blockage of milk ducts, hormonal imbalance or before menopause. They are very common among women aged between 35 to 50, although these cysts can appear any time. They can be painful, followed by tenderness of the breasts before menstrual periods.

Breast Cyst


Our eyelids consist of 30 to 40 eyelid glands or meibomian glands in each of the upper as well as lower eyelids. These glands secrete a thick liquid made up of sebum and which flows into the tear film of our eyes. The openings of these glands may sometimes get clogged if the opening becomes narrower or if the sebaceous liquid becomes harder.

This clogging may cause inflammation and result in the formation of chalazia. Chalazia may recur once it occurs. The best way to prevent it is to apply warm compress on the affected area or wash the eyes with rose water, on regular basis.


Sebaceous Cyst

Sebaceous cysts are usually seen on the face, neck, back, etc. However, sometimes, they may form on the feet also. They are benign in nature and are filled with oil secreted by the oil glands beneath the skin known as “sebum”. Their formation usually takes place around hair follicles. They are always likely to recur or spread further.

Sebaceous Cyst

Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts look like any other cyst with a sac-like appearance within the ovaries. They are generally filled up with liquid, gaseous or semi liquid substances. There are various reasons that may attribute to the formation of an ovarian cyst. Growth of follicles, non-rapture of an egg on ovulation, abnormal growth of tissues, etc. are the most viable causes of an ovarian cyst. Once detected, they need to be further evaluated to find out the chances of malignancy.

Ovarian Cyst

Pilonidal Cyst

Pilonidal cysts usually form near the top of the buttocks, near the tailbone and are generally filled with pus, skin debris, hair follicles, etc. They occur more in men as compared to women. Ingrown hair is the main reason why these cysts form.

Pilonidal cysts may cause sensations like tenderness and soreness in the affected area, inflammation, itchiness, pain and even fever. Sitting in a single posture for longer hours while working or driving increases the risk of pilonidal cysts.

Pilonidal Cyst

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