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10 How To Cure Gum Disease

[toc]Good oral hygiene is the ideal way to keep gum disease at bay. Proper plaque control can be practiced in most cases in order to reverse the problem. It is recommended that people should brush their teeth two times a day and flossing once a day is ideal, especially after dinner time. Plaque that exists between the teeth can be removed with the help of flossing. This is beneficial because there are some areas of your teeth that aren’t accessible to your toothbrush. The proper technique of brushing and flossing can be discovered by asking the dentist.

Cure Gum Disease

Special devices like special toothpicks, inter-dental brush and water irrigation etc. might be recommended to people who have difficulty in handling dental floss. Areas between the teeth can be cleaned in this way. Mouth rinses or antiplaque toothpastes can also be used by people for reducing bacteria that give rise to gum disease and plaque.

Ways To Cure Gum Disease

Sea Salt Solution

A sea salt solution can be made by people. Take a cup of warm water and dissolve a small amount of sea salt in it. For 30 seconds, a sip of the solution should be swished into your mouth and then spitted out. This should be done several times. Infection can be drawn out of any abscesses and swollen gums can be reduced with the aid of salt water. The twice-daily brushing routine can be added with this mouth rinsing one.

Sea Salt Solution

Vitamin D

The consumption of Vitamin D should be increased. Anti-inflammatory properties are possessed by Vitamin D. Therefore, when people are trying to treat swollen gums and wish to prevent the problem from occurring again, they should increase their Vitamin D intake. This vitamin should be kept in mind especially by older adults.

The risk of gum disease can be reduced in people aged 50 or older if they have high levels of Vitamin D in their system. This fact has been revealed by the National Institute of Health. People should soak up the sun for at least 15 to 20 minutes two times on a weekly basis in order to get their Vitamin D fix. They should also make it a habit of eating foods like cod liver oil, whole eggs and salmon that are laden with this Vitamin.

Vitamin D

Baking Soda

This can be used for brushing the teeth. The chances of gum disease and tooth decay can be reduced by using baking soda because it has the ability of neutralizing the acid in the mouth. But, this is an actual treatment of gum disease instead of being a preventative measure. Take a bit of warm water and add a small amount of baking soda to it. A paste will be formed. The teeth should be brushed with this paste.

Baking Soda

Tea Bags

Tea bags should also be applied. Take boiling water and soak a tea bag into it. The tea bag should be removed and cooled enough that people can comfortably handle it. The affected area of the gums should be applied with the tea bag and it should be left for five minutes. Gum infection can be effectively relieved with the tannic acid in the tea bag. Simply drinking the beverage will not prove to be as beneficial as the direct application of the tea bag. Moreover, drinking excessive tea can cause tea-stained and discolored teeth, which is an obvious downside.

Tea Bags

Tea Tree Oil

A toothpaste of tea tree oil should be used. Bacteria can be killed with this oil and that’s exactly what dental plaque is. Thus, in order to ease off any pain that people are experiencing in the gums and to relieve any plaque, a tea tree oil toothpaste should immediately be purchased. Apart from that, people can also use a regular toothpaste, but simply add a drop of tea tree oil to it at the time of brushing. If tea tree oil extract is being used, people should be careful enough not to swallow it as it leads to diarrhea and stomach irritations.

 Tea Tree Oil


Rubbing some honey can be immensely useful. It can treat infected gums effectively because it’s known to possess some antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The problem area of the gums can be rubbed with a small amount of honey after people have brushed their teeth. However, honey should not be applied excessively because it has a high sugar content. It should also be kept away from the teeth and only be applied onto the gums where necessary.



A lemon paste should be made. Take some salt and juice of one lemon to make this paste. This should be applied onto the teeth. Leave it be for a couple of minutes and the rinse it off with a warm water gargle.

Gum disease can be effectively treated with the use of lemon. They comprise of Vitamin C and are also anti-inflammatory that makes them perfect for treating gum infection. They are also known to make gums strong and help in them in fighting off the infection.



Vitamin C rich foods should be taken in higher amount. This includes kiwi, strawberry, mango, papaya, grapes and oranges, along with lemon, which is highly useful. Various gum problems can have an impact on bone regeneration and connective tissue growth, but it can be promoted with Vitamin C because it comprises of the proper antioxidants that are needed for this purpose.



The most effective mouthwash that can reduce gingivitis and plaque is called Listerine. It is as effective as a prescription mouthwash given by a dentist. This mouthwash should be used twice daily and for 30 seconds. A burning sensation can be caused in the mouth because of the essential oils that are in this mouthwash, but a few days of regular use can help people in adjusting to this sensation and then using it easily.


Periodontal Surgery

The irregularities and defects that occur in the bone that surrounds the diseased teeth can be corrected and smoothed with this surgical procedure. The primary purpose of the surgery is to either reduce the periodontal pockets or eliminate them completely.

Periodontal Surgery

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