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Top 5 Effective Home Remedies For A Blocked Nose

[toc]A blocked nose or a nasal congestion is a condition in which accumulation of mucus secretions in your sinuses occurs. This causes you to have a feeling of stuffiness. This is opposed to a runny nose, which means there is a discharge of mucus from the nasal passages.

Blocked Nose

The condition can result from a common cold, viral infections, respiratory infections and allergies etc. The problems faced due to blocked nose are plenty like difficulty in breathing, congestion and an impaired sense of smell temporarily.However the problem of blocked nose may go on for months together for some people if not treated on time. Blocked nose is not a disease, rather a symptom of any sort of respiratory tract infection. Some home remedies can be used to cure a blocked nose, as follows.

Best Home Remedies For A Blocked Nose

Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam, helps humidify the mucus from the sinus, forcing it to trickle out. Thus effectively suppresses its accumulation. Regular administration of steam helps to keep the blocked nose congestion free. To take steam inhalation, boil water, cover yourself with a towel, and inhale the steam generated from the water. Do this for at least 10 minutes for five to six times in a day for effective results. You can add camphor or herbs like lavender to the water for an even stronger effect.

Steam Inhalation


This is considered to contain natural anti-histamines. Histamine is released in the body to stop an allergic reaction. Even normal medicines make use of it. To use chamomile tea, boil the leaves in water, simmer on low heat for at least 5 minutes and then drain all the water, and drink it, you can keep some to reheat and use. It is an effective solution that yields results within hours after taking it.



The leaves of eucalyptus have decongesting properties. Leaves of eucalyptus may be obtained from the tree. It can also be purchased at a local store in the form of essential oils. Then you have to boil it in water for 2-3 minutes, in a covered boiler. After this, sieve the leaves and separate the water and drink it at least 3 times a day to yield fast resuts. The leaves are stronger than the oils, and if possible, they should be preferred.


Citrus Fruits

It has been proved in many clinical trials that taking fruits rich in vitamin C may help a blocked nose, especially that of the viral etiology. Taking lemon juice mixed in lukewarm water will be both soothing as well as curing. In addition, you can eat fresh oranges and pineapples to get ample quantity of vitamin C in your body to help in fighting the blocked nose. In addition, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that means even when in excess it will not harm your body.

Citrus Fruits

Yarrow Herb

It is an herb that can easily be procured from the ayurvedic stores in your area. The best thing about this is that it cures the mucus lining and blockage from within, making it the most important tool in this list. To use this herb, soak it in warm water but do not boil, and after 15 minutes sieve it, and use the water at least thrice a day to avail full advantage of this herb.

Yarrow Herb