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Top 5 Home Remedies For Chemical Poisoning

Home Remedies For Chemical Poisoning

[toc]When the body becomes exposed to very harmful chemicals such that it causes damage to the body cells, organs and systems, then such a condition is known as chemical poisoning. Chemical poisoning is caused by toxins and toxicants which are in the form of gas, liquids and even solids.

Difficulty while breathing, cardiac and abdominal pain, headache, sweating, vomiting, skin irritation, dizziness are some of the symptoms of chemical poisoning. You can get rid of chemical poisoning by following some home remedies. Top 5 home remedies for chemical poisoning are as follows:

5 Home Remedies For Chemical Poisoning

Household Chlorine Bleach

Chlorine Bleach For Chemical Poisoning

Take some water and heat it. Then add this water to a large basin and after that add some household chlorine bleach to it. Then mix them well and take a bath with this water at least 2 times every day. You can also take a glass of warm water, add 1-2 teaspoons of this bleach to it and then have it. Drink 2-3 glasses every day.


Ginger Tea Reduce Chemical Poisoning

Take some water and add it to a cup. Then boil it for 10 minutes and after that put some ginger roots, which are finely cut into small pieces in it.

You should allow it to steep for at 15-20 minutes and then strain it properly. You should drink it 2-3 times every day. Ginger tea every day as it is very effective in treating chemical poisoning.


Garlic Reduce Chemical Poisoning

You should have garlic every day. You can have 2-3 garlic cloves every day along with your food. Take some garlic juice in a glass and then drink it. Have 2-3 glasses of garlic juice every day.

Cut some garlic into small pieces, put the pieces in a cup and add some water to it. Then boil it to make tea. Have at least 3 cups of this every day.


Watermelon Reduce Chemical Poisoning

Take a watermelon and peel off the skin. Then take the skin and grind it to make a smooth paste. Take a glass of water and add 1-2 teaspoons of this paste to it. Have this 2-3times every day.

You can also take a watermelon and cut it in small cubes and have it every day in your breakfast or after lunch. You can also take cut a watermelon into small pieces and then put the pieces in a blender. After blending it well take out the juice and add it to a glass. Drink 3-4 glasses every day.


Lemon Reduce Chemical Poisoning

Take a blender and put some lemons in it. Then blend the lemons well to take out the juice. After that pour this lemon juice in a glass and then heat it for at least 10 minutes. After that have it 3-4 times every day.

Thus it will help you to get rid of chemical poisoning within a short time. You can also take few drops of lemon juice along with honey and have 2-3 teaspoons every day 3-4 times. While having a tea, you can also add few drops of lemon juice to it and then drink it. Thus by following the above mentioned home remedies you can get rid of chemical poisoning.

Top 5 Home Remedies For Chemical Poisoning

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