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Top 6 Herbal Remedies For Digestive Problems

[toc]Indigestion is one of the most common problems that majority of the population suffer fro. pollution, eating and lifestyle habits contribute to digestive and gastric disorders. it might seem a very simple problem but it can cause a great variety of other problems and complications. proper functioning of the digestive tract is of utmost importance because only and when digestion takes place properly, all the organs get their dose of nutrients that are broken down by the stomach acids.

Digestive Problems

Indigestion can be treated by simple and natural herbal remedies that have lesser or fewer side effects. There are variety of herbs that are anti spasmodic, carminative and demulcents that have different actions but enhance digestion as an end result. Here are a wide range of herbs to treat indigestion.

Herbal Remedies For Digestive Problems


Dandelion is one of the most popular herbs that serves as a natural aid in digestion. It is a bitter herb and is known to enhance digestive properties. Appetite is increase and stimulated with this herb. The bitterness in dandelion is due to a component called taraxacum that imparts the property. The bitterness quality is very important as it allows the gut to produce enzymes that easily break down the fats in to essential fatty acids that are required for bodily health. Thus food gets broken down very easily and prevents indigestion.



Ginger is another herb that is known to assist in digestion. Ginger has anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties. The active components called gingerol and shagaol impart healing properties to it. Eating raw and fresh ginger increases the capacity of digestion. Chewing ginger and swallowing its juice stimulates the production of enzymes in the stomach. If patients complain of excessive acids in the stomach ginger should not be used.


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a great aid and a naturally occurring tasty remedy for gastric problems. Cayenne pepper is extremely spicy. Though it is extremely hot on tongue, it is known to stimulate the digestive system and enhances digestion. It can be added to chicken broth or the dishes that are regularly consumed.

Cayenne Pepper


Chamomile is considered as one of the best cure for all the digestive problems. Chamomile has relaxing properties and aids in easy digestion. A hot tea can be brewed and taken regularly. It improves immunity and enhances the functioning of digestive tract.

It is used as a component in majority of the herbal supplements used for digestion problems.



Skullcap is famously known as an antispasmodic herb which gives a great relief from indigestion. It has relaxing properties and reduces stomach and intestinal cramps by relaxing the muscles of the stomach. It also relaxes the musculoskeletal system through its nervine properties and also exhibits tonic like property.

The flowers and stems of skullcap are used in treatment. Pregnant women should avoid such herbs.



Yarrow is another antispasmodic herb that reduces stomach and intestinal cramps. It is bitter in taste and acts as a natural astringent. Yarrow is effective in treating digestive disorders. It is active against bleeding ulcers and can be treated if its a minor condition. Normalisation of blood occurs and congestion in digestive tract is greatly relieved. The flowers of yarrow are used in treatment.


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