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Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Nail Fungus

Herbal Remedies For Nail Fungus

[toc]Nail fungus is a problematic condition to suffer from. As the fungal infection directly affects the nails, there is very little chance that allopathic medication can permanently cure the problem. What is needed instead are herbal remedies which cure the fungal infection without causing any side effects or allergies. Herbal options are far better because they help to ward off the fungal infection in very little time.

Herbs that contain antifungal properties such as Black Walnut, Cedar, Pau D’Arco, Cayenne and Chamomile are very effective in curing this problem. Nail fungus is a disfiguring and embarrassing problem and herbal cures are an effective solution. However, please also consult a health care practitioner before using the herbal remedies.

5 Best Herbal Cures For Nail Fungus


Chamomile For Nail Fungus

Chamomile is one of the best herbs for curing nail fungus. This is because it possesses antifungal properties. This ensures that it is an effective cure for nail fungus. It destroys the fungal infection causing the damage to the nails. Chamomile prevents the growth of fungus in the nails. To make Chamomile tea, you can purchase the herbal teabags or even infuse the dried herb into hot water. Chamomile tea can be taken to ensure that the ability of the body to overcome fungal infections is enhanced. You should drink Chamomile tea twice a day for good results.


Echinacea For Nail Fungus

Echinacea also called Purple Cone Flower is a good remedy for nail fungus. You can take supplements of this herb for best results. Echinacea is an effective herb to deal with nail fungus because it raises the immunity of the body towards infections. It thus helps the body to be able to fight the fungal infection which caused nail fungus. Echinacea helps to boost the immunity of the body and ensure that leukocytes of white blood cells are available in plenty to ward off the fungal infection.

Black Walnut

Black Walnut For Nail Fungus

This herb possesses antifungal properties and it is very efficient in curing all types of ailments caused by fungal infections.  It can be applied externally on areas of the body which are infected by fungus including nail fungus.  Known by the botanical name Juglans Nigra, and also referred to as Jupiter’s Nut, this herb can be applied topically for best benefits.

It is available in tincture or powder form.  You can apply the tincture directly on the nail fungus. The powdered form of this herb needs to be added to hot water and you should then soak your nails in this solution for approximately 20 minutes in order to gain relief from nail fungus.


Thyme For Nail Fungus

Though commonly thought of as a culinary herb, Thyme is also an effective cure for fungal infections. This is because it contains Thymol which is antibacterial and antifungal. Thyme leaves can be crushed and added to hot water. You should let the solution cool and then strain the liquid off the top of this solution.

Place the liquid in a dropper and apply thrice daily for relief from nail fungus. Thyme is an ideal herb for curing this problem and offering permanent and lasting relief for most fungal related ailments.


Cedar For Nail Fungus

Cedar  can be used for treating nail fungus. You need to crush the leaves of this herb and grind them into a paste. You can mix the paste with Lavender oil and massage your nails twice daily with this solution. Cedar contains antifungal properties and it is very effective in curing nail fungus because of this reason. This herb eliminates the fungal infection which is the root of this problem. Cedar is very efficacious in removing the crusts and cracks that result from nail fungus.

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Nail Fungus

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